When I started this blog back in 2017 I mentioned my closeness to and my thoughts on turning 30. (Wow that feels like forever ago). Well, the year has now arrived. I turn 30 on the 14th of May 2021.

Over the years I’ve had lots of ideas on how to celebrate this apparent milestone and where I’d be in life.

Turning 30 at the tail end of a pandemic was never what I had in mind.

I had images in my head of being in a house that I owned. Living with my husband and one or two children. Pets to shower with love (as well as the husband and kids of course). In a well paid job I was at the top of my game in, or that I would be self-employed.

Although I’ve done quite a bit in my 29 years and 9 months on this planet there are a lot of things my younger self had hoped that I would have achieved by now. Motherhood being the main thing I had hoped for myself. I have started that journey before, but sadly it was not meant to last. Looking back I may not have been quite ready then. Well, actually, I was ready but as it turned out the father wasn’t my best choice.

Big plans for turning 30

I had thought of going to Disney Florida for my 30th. Hiring a cabin. Going to the Disney Parks and the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Going on all the rides. Watching the parades. Metting the characters. Walking around Diagon Alley and buying ALL OF THE THINGS from the various shops. What an awesome way of turning 30. It would be expensive though so realistically I would only be joined by a few people. I would also need to start saving like crazy. I then realised just how much it would all cost altogether (flights, accommodation, hire car, park entry, food, merchandise) and decided to down scale.

More realistic

Instead I would hire out the whole premises of The Cauldron for me and my loved ones. I even contacted them a month ago to inquire about prices. I also thought that having a house party would be a fun idea too. Especially as it would mean I could celebrate with more people as it wouldn’t price anyone out.

Sadly, following the announcements for England this week, it looks like neither of these will be able to happen. I do currently live in Wales but I’m assuming the rules won’t be much different.

I’m hoping that we can still bubble up with another household so I can spend this year with my partner as well as my mum, step dad and brother. Last year I spent my birthday just with Jez. It was lovely, but I’d like to be able to be a bit more social this year.


Whatever happens I won’t be able to do the full celebrations I was hoping. However, my partner and I have just started the process of buying a house in London. His idea is for us to host a belated 30th and house warming combined when we’ve moved in and made the place our own. We’re estimating August so by then we should be able to do as much celebrating as we’d like.

During the various lock downs, even just in my close circles, there have been so many missed milestones. 30th, 50th and 1st birthdays, engagement parties, hen dos, weddings, baby showers and babies being born. When we can all meet up again we have a lot of celebrating to catch up on. I also have lots of people to reunite with and new additions to cuddle.

What are you most looking forward to when we can forego the socially distanced lifestyles? What/how will you be celebrating?

Want to know more about me? I’m on some of the socials, come and say hi 🙂

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