Take a break when you need to. Some of the best advice I’ve ever heard. The main focus of this blog is mental health. Although I write product reviews and…
“It’s who you know, not what you know”. The phrase gets thrown about so often. I’ve more often heard it within the context of work. Sometimes it’s about promotions, new job opportunities, boosts up the corporate ladder etc and it can often times seem unfair (depending on which side you feel like you are on). Although it may seem like a negative thing within employment, I think it is something that is extremely useful in day to day life…
There are many reasons why I loved Miranda Hart before this lock down. Since this pandemic began my love and admiration for this amazing, big-hearted comedian has grown and grown….
We are all under different pressures depending on our work life, home life, goals and aspirations but I think being under pressure is something we can all relate to. During…
With all the changes that have been going on lately more and more people are starting to work from home (if they can). For lots of us, including myself, it…
What an amazing human Emily Coxhead is to have come up with this venture! A newspaper filled with nothing but good news. Not even adverts block the goodness in this…
First of all a #sorrynotsorry – I couldn’t resist the pun… I am sure there will be lots of 20:20 jokes this year so thought it wouldn’t hurt to use…
January is a month that can be very hard on some people, more so than the rest of the year, so what better month to have national days to encourage…
This week as part of my month of mental health/invisible illness awareness posts my friend Billie has kindly offered to share some of her story with me and my readers….
Mental health is a more widely spoken about element of life nowadays which is AWESEOME, obviously there is still a long way to go but we are making steps in…